SBG Terminal

Versatile product permitting flexibility, hierarchization, total control and real-time landbase operation.

Innovative multi-game touchscreen machines, designed to integrate games from various suppliers, connect with different peripherals, and establish networks with other gaming terminals.

Tools enabling total remote management of terminals and operations, such as login and tracking of centres and devices, updates, configurations or monitoring in real time.



All configuration parameters are defined at server level, permitting numerous machine-customisable options at the level of games, bets, currencies, etc.


has a functional back office website permitting total management of operations and centres, remote reboot of the terminal, and display of a log indicating the status of the device at any given time (e.g., on/open port, playing, hardware incidents).

Online or 100% landbase

To provide immediacy the terminals must have a stable connection to the Internet. In cases where that is impossible, we provide the Micro Server option, whereby a small server connected to the terminals sporadically using that Internet connection is sufficient for remote updates.


Has a set of peripherals already integrated and available, which may be adapted or increased based on the requirements of the operation.

External screen or screen integrated in the terminal, depending on the type of unit and the operator’s preferences / Button pad with 8 configurable buttons / Main touchscreen / Wallet-Recycler in EUR, GBP, COP and RSD / Wallet and hoppers / Printer (SAS+TITO) / WinSystems wallet (AFT integration)

Iron Boost

Offers a Progressive Mystery Jackpot, the IRON BOOST, which may also be monitored and configured remotely, as it may connect a group of terminals in the same centre, terminals from different centres, or even terminals in different operations. It may apply to all games or just to specific games, and has up to 5 levels, with independent acceleration for each game.

of Layout

SBG’s layout and grouping into islands is flexible, both at the room level and the centre level, enabling thousands of terminals to be managed and connected in the same or a different operation.


This line offers players a wide range of fun games, with a large, constantly-evolving catalogue. Currently has 26 1-1000 games, 6 one-line games and Draw Poker with the Recreativos Franco seal.


Currently integrated with our main in-house terminals RF4000, RF31 and RFBaby.


Possibility of integrating games from external suppliers.